2023/24 Season
Junior Coaching
Junior Coaching Club nights will continue to take place on a Friday night starting at 6pm and finishing at 7pm.
There are two seasons of junior coaching and we only coach during term time:
Autumn Season: Friday 08 September 2023 to Friday 15 December 2023 (term time only)
Winter Season: Friday 05 January 2024 to Friday 22 March 2024 (provisional and term time only)
The cost is £50 per season and must be paid prior to the first session with payment made by direct bank transfer with the child’s name as the reference. Please can you text the club secretary on 07990513846 once payment has been made to secure your place.
The junior membership form must be complete prior to starting and can be sent completed to
Senior Club
Senior Club will continue to take place on a Friday night starting at 7pm and finishing at 9:45pm.
The first senior club night will be Friday 01 September 2023 and finish on Friday 15 December 2023, restarting on Friday 05 January 2024 to Friday 22 March 2024
The fees payable for the Senior Club are:
£100 for junior members
£130 for senior members
£50 for students who are attending University (evidence will be required)
There are Wednesday night senior club nights at 7-9pm and between the dates above and these are included in the fees paid. It should be noted that Wednesday nights are match nights and these take priority and occasional there may be some team training nights taking place.
The fees payable must be paid by the end of September to enable appropriate registration. If payment is not made by the end of September, the club reserves the right to charge an additional £15.
For players starting midway through a season payment will be agreed with the Treasurer.
For visitors, a £5 per night charge is made for up to a maximum of three visits at which point full affiliation must be paid.
The senior membership form must be completed prior to starting.
Home match nights will remain on Wednesday nights at 7pm to 9pm. If necessary a match may take place on a Friday club night.
Match fees remain at £5 and must be paid promptly and notified to the Treasurer.
2023 Annual General Meeting - 19 June 2023 at 7:30pm via Teams.
The link for this meetinn is If you have any questions or queries please contact or 07990513846.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Compliance Statement
To all players, parents and volunteers
On 25 May 2018 a new data protection law will come into force - General Data Protection Regulation otherwise known as GDPR. It replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 in its entirety and will regulate the processing of personal data in the UK.
We currently request each player’s details (name, date of birth, home address, parent’s email, mobile number and any relevant medical information) on our membership forms, when registering with the club. We have been using your details in order to contact you by email, letter, telephone and social media to keep you informed of:
The dates and times of sessions
Any incidences regarding you or your child
Any competitions/tournaments
Club news
Changes in the club’s personnel.
We also log these details (name, address, email, telephone BUT NOT medical issues) with Badminton England as this a requirement when we affiliate the club and its members. Badminton England is then able to provide us with our club insurance and additional benefits.
We would like to assure you that:
Kettering Badminton Club only process data for the purpose for which it is collected. This means that we do NOT pass our members information to any other organisation (other than Badminton England.
Kettering Badminton Club do keep data as required for the purposes of historical and factual checks should it be required by Badminton England. All personal record forms such as membership forms are kept electronically and will be destroyed after five years unless there is a reason for not doing so and this will be communicated to the individual(s) involved.
Members can request copies of their personal data at any time and we will respond and act within one calendar month.
Members can request that their personal data be deleted at any time by emailing a request to but this may have an impact on their continued membership.
If you would like any additional information please contact us at
Covid 19 UPDATE - 17 March 2020
Further to the clubs previous message we have today received further guidance on local badminton and the advice being followed is to cease playing and coaching. This effectively means a premature end to the season for both our junior and senior clubs which is extremely sad but I am sure you will understand the reasoning.
We will hopefully begin our season again in September 2020 and we will arrange for communication to be sent to you nearer the time.
Please don’t forget our website (link below) which we carry news of any badminton dates and if you are on Facebook please join our group (link below)
Please all take care and if you do have any questions now or in the future please contact us via email
Covid 19 update - 16 March 2020
The club would like to update you with regards to the situation with Covid 19.
At present our club nights and junior coaching are proceeding as normal and we will follow any guidance released by Badminton England and Northants Badminton Association.
In line with NHS guidelines if you do show any signs or symptoms of Covid 19 please self-isolate for 14 days and do not attend any club nights or junior coaching sessions.
We also request that everyone takes their own and others hygiene extremely seriously including washing their hands and not sharing water bottles. We also request that in greeting friends and following the end of a match handshakes or similar are not used for the foreseeable future.